Babies in hotels.....not so fun!
Hi all! Sorry we haven't posted in a while. We've been pretty busy since we got custody of the kids. All are well, but I am exhausted and won't be writing too much.
We've actually been doing pretty well considering the circumstances. The biggest challenge has been keeping Jackson safe. All he wants to do is try to walk around holding on to things. He has also started to try to climb on top of the coffee table, over the side of the couch, etc. I have also caught him trying to hang from the table. While he is doing all this, Madden is still imobile. Kevin had to go out to get plane tickets for our flight to Almaty, and I was of course alone with both of them. Since we don't have total control over our schedule, he trip did not coincide with naptime. Now, as I said, Jackson needs constant very close supervision. However, Madden gets very angry when she is left alone while I'm chasing Jackson. Somehow during this balancing act, Jackson managed to slam face-first into the corner of a desk. I was right there, but I had her on my lap, and couldn't stop him with one hand. So, now our poor boy has a big red swollen line running down his forehead, cheek, and chin. What a horrible feeling. I just knew that when I picked him up his whole face would be split open. Thank goodness no stitches required! He gets over things pretty quickly, but everytime I tried to put him down to go to Madden he would start sobbing. Boy was he milking it, but it's great that he is looking to us for comfort.
Then we get to feeding, which is an event. These kids so much as see a spoon or bowl and they go nuts. Keep in mind we do not have highchairs. We've heard that when they are fed, the caregivers just sat them on their lap, facing away and shoveled food in. This is very difficult because you cannot see what you are doing. Now, if we could do this as a two-person process, no problem. However, if they are not fed at the same time, there is trouble. Normally Madden is very mellow, so we decided to try to feed Jackson first tonight. We figured we could feed him fast before she got too upset. Wrong. As soon as she saw the bowl and spoon and realized she was not being brought to the food, she started screaming. We thought she would get over it, but she just kept screaming. When her face went from dark red to actually purple I figured I better start cramming some food her way. I have not even seen her actually cry before this incident, but apparently she takes her food very seriously. Unfortunately, she was so angry that she wouldn't eat anything but apple juice. I had made some new things, so I don't know if she hates everything we have left, or was just upset.
Pretty much food is our biggest challenge. It is a horrible messy process, and I can't read any information on the boxes, so it is really hard to know if they are getting enough. We have baby soup, baby cereal, various cans that look like standard baby food, and apple juice. The information we got from the babyhouse is vauge as to the feeding information, so I'm really winging it. I'm thinking of just buying formula and going with that and trying to add some of the other stuff. At least with formula I know they should be getting sufficient nutrients. I borrowed some formula packets from our travel partners, and both of them drank bottles no problem this morning. However, tonight after Madden refused to eat anything out of desparation I borrowed more formula and tried to give it to her but she completely refused it. I'm hoping she was just too upset to eat, but who knows. My plan is to mix the cereals in with the formula and then try to add a small jar of babyfood also. I'm really hoping the formula idea works, because there is no way we can do the solid foods on the plane without covering other passengers and ourselves.
So, other than feeding problems and injuries, we are doing pretty well. Thankfully they are good sleepers!! They slept from 8pm to 8am this morning, though they were probably extra tired from all the excitement. They didn't actually wake up on their own, but we decided they had slept enough. We were told that they normally woke up at 6:30, so we aren't sure if this was just a fluke or not. However, they were in a room of 15 babies with only two caregivers, so I'm thinking if one woke up and started crying they all woked up. Hopefully they will not go back to the 6:30 wakup. They also take two two hour naps according to the schedule we were given. It seemed like a lot of sleep to us, but with the exception of about 10 minutes of crying from Jackson before falling asleep this afternoon, they have gone to sleep when we put them in the cribs for nap time.
I am happily surprised to report that babies do not need diaper changes nearly as much as we expected. We've had about four a day so far, which is not bad at all. Somehow, although we've pretty much split the diaper changing, I've ended up with all the poop. So not fair! I do have a question for any experienced parents...... Assuming they continue to sleep up to 12 hours a night, and do not wake up crying, do we just let them be as far as diaper changes? It seems unhealthy for them to be laying in who knows what for possibly hours, but I always thought they would wake up crying if they were uncomfortable. I am very nervous about them getting diaper rash or any other skin issue while we are over here with no pediatrician and a 27+ hour day of travel in our future. I want them to be as comfortable as possible. So, anyone with any advice as to whether we should wake them up for a diaper change in the middle of the night if they don't cry, please let us know! Jackson had some serious poop this morning, and it is horrible to think how long he might have slept like that, but then, he was sleeping which I hate to disturb.... ahhhhh!!! Advice please!
So, we will try to get some pictures up tomorrow if we can. It's just so all-consuming trying to keep on top of them while they are awake the camera is the last thing on our minds. We would really, really like to get home where there are things like highchairs and playpens. We would be doing just fine if we had those two items I think. So, other than figuring out the simultaneous feeding without highchairs, things are going fairly well. However, this is very, very tiring. I can't imagine having babies that didn't at least sleep through the night. Also, I don't think I will every have clean clothes again. There is constantly something coming out of them, and it all gets on you. This is not good when you are trying to have a pair of jeans last for at least four days. Oh well, I guess we should just get used to being dirty and tired for a while- this parenting thing really takes a toll on your personal hygiene!
teresa and kevin, I am just loving keeping up with your adventures. today I actually laghed out loud! You are right, you will not be wearing clean clothes again for a few years! My opinion-never wake a sleeping baby. Enjoy the quiet while you can. Cindy
Wow! And that was just day 1 !
Wish I had some parenting advice to give, have to defer to the experts.
Maybe when you get to Almaty, you will find some more americanized products that you can read easier.
Keep up the good work! Just think how luxurious home will feel in just a few more days!
Teresa, the advice I got when KEvin was a baby was let sleeping dogs lie, and the same for babies. It was good advice! I stopped hovering over him and he was fine when he woke up. Get some good desitin or that type of cream if you think they need it for the skin protection from the diapers. Also the diapers here may make that easier on them. Just love them and be patient with them, yourself and each other. You are doing great. I am very proud of you. You are going to be a great Mom. Stay together as often as you can until you get home. Much love, MOM BRISTOW-GAITOR
Teresa, you are doing just fine! Hopefully you and Kevin can be together at feeding time! I wanted to know who got the first poopie diaper, and I guess you won that one. I would have given anything to see the look on your face when you tackled that! I agree with the other moms-let them sleep. Babies that age sleep a lot- it is normal. Jackson is a handful and a half. Be glad Madden is a little slower to catch on to the climbing. I am so proud of you-there is nothing easy about adjusting to babies, especially active ones. You will all know each other well by the time you get home. I love you, and try to sleep when they do! Love, Mom
Hi Teresa and Kevin, Wow, I haven't been on for a few days and so much has happened!!! My advice is do not wake up the babies...believe me if they are uncomfortable they will let you know it, as you found out with Madden wanting food when Jackson was being fed. Put on a good coating of desitin and they should be fine. I used to change Danielle's diaper all the time because she was prone to diaper rash and finally the doctor found out she was having a reaction to some acidy foods. So you may encounter diaper rashes even if you do everthing right, especially with a change in food choices. I feel terrible for little Jackson...he sounds like an active one. One thing the doctor would tell me is try not to make a big deal like scream when they fall because sometimes they get more scared when mom and dad do...they sense these things. You will be wonderful parents!!!! It's only been a day...give it time. We were all first time parents too and all our children came out o.k. although I worry about your Uncle John sometimes (HA!!). Someday you will look back at these days and laugh. I know things are tough but do try to keep up with the is wonderful to be able to share all these experiences with the Bristow family!!
Love Ya!! Donna
Hi Teresa,
I just had to chime in as I feel I might be of some help! :) Feeding was the biggest issue we had with Noah as well. We took some advice from other parent's who had been there done that and it was this: Put your baby back on formula 100% while in the country. I'm not sure if you brought American formula, but if so I would use 20% American/80% Kaz formula and then each day up it 20%. If you try and go 100% American formula you will probably run into some pretty bad poopie diapers (you may anyway). The kids LOVE American formula as it is much sweeter than what they are used to and they really do need the nutrients even if it doesn't look like it weight wise. We gave Noah 4-6 bottles a day and he was 10 1/2 months and had been entirely off the bottle. He drank them like there was no tomorrow. We would also mix in some fruits and veggies, but it made it sooo much easier if you have to run around in country and on the plane ride! Besides that it is a wonderful bonding experience. They aren't used to a lot of eye contact so it is a way to hold them close and just really LOVE them! :) If it makes you feel better I remember when Michael had to leave that first day to get our plane tickets (and mind you we only had the one!). I had to feed Noah so I had him on my lap and he did a complete face dive into a bowl of carrots! Apparently that was what he was used to!!! It was then that we ditched the schedule and got on formula as had been suggested. I think you'll find that your Dr. back in the states will put them back on at least partial formula until they are all adjusted. It makes the transition to American food a little easier.
Oh... and did I mention to just breathe! I think I held my breath for 2 weeks as I was so worried I was starving Noah to death or doing something wrong. Believe it or not they are VERY resilient and you will look back very soon and laugh and cry (but tears of joy!).
So I'm sorry to ramble on, but if you have any questions, please let me know. We had many struggles that you are mentioning and maybe you can learn from our mistakes? ha ha
Take care and just enjoy the ride! 6 months from now these days will become the fondest memories of your life! I promise!!!!
Shari Keen
Hi guys! So, the adventure continues...You guys are doing SO Great!! I can't even begin to give advice, but I'm so glad some good info. has already been posted. I do know that right now must be some of the toughest days for you, and it should only get easier. I mean, you're not home, its your first few days being parents, and you are still learning about Jackson and Madden specifically. I can see that once you get a few days/weeks under your belts, that things will ease up! Just hang in there as others have said, and know what an amazing thing you are doing for your children. I admire you both immensely :-) Look forward to seeing you all! Love, Amy
How about a play pen? I thought of this in my sleep last night. It may be more than you want to deal with right now but it would keep them both in eyesight at once...sorry if you already have one. I am rushing around town this week but want to keep posted as I can. You are doing great guys. love you MOM
Teresa and Kevin,
We are enjoying your adventures tremendously! We just returned from BH#1 in Uralsk in September with a 4 year old and an 11 month old. We stayed at a hotel so I feel your pain...As for feeding, we had great luck feeding the baby in either a stroller or while he was standing in his crib. It was much easier when he was contained but not squirming on our laps. Also, the baby hated the baby food in Uralsk and we could hardly get him to eat anything. Almaty has a much better selection and more single foods (instead of some of the strange mixed foods they have in Uralsk). You may have better luck once you get to Almaty. Please tell Olga and the gang that the Werners say hello!
Matt, Terrie, Thomas & Kevin Werner
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